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The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook - MickeyTrescott

The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook - MickeyTrescott

Food & Nutrition

Many women of child-bearing age suffer from autoimmune disease. Getting on an anti-inflammatory diet may be useful to help detox your body, reduce your overall toxic load and improve health and fertility.  This is a very useful book for any woman considering the auto immune paleo (AIP) protocol, with recipes and weekly mean plans.

Fertile - Emma Cannon

Fertile - Emma Cannon

Food & Nutrition

Great book for any woman looking to improve her diet in order to create a fertile environment ready for conception and sustain a healthy pregnancy.

Come as You Are -  Emily Nagoski

Come as You Are - Emily Nagoski


Understanding our sexuality and having a fulfilled sex life is an integral part of the process of conceiving a baby. One of the most inspiring lessons of this book is that every woman has her own unique sexuality, much like a fingerprint.  This book is based on research and brain science.

Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant - Dr Jean M. Twenge

Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant - Dr Jean M. Twenge


A fun read for any woman who needs to get her nerves in check when starting the TTC process. It is a complete guide to medical, psychological and sexual aspects of trying to conceive and reads like a good friend is talking to you through the book.

It Starts with the Egg - Rececca Fett

It Starts with the Egg - Rececca Fett

Fertility / Food & Nutrition

A good, researched-backed and informative book on how to improve egg quality. Based on the online reviews of the book and feedback shared by TTC coupes, it takes about 3 to 4 months of implementing the suggestions in the book to see real success.

Mystical Motherhood
- Chelsea Ann Wiley

Mystical Motherhood
- Chelsea Ann Wiley


Mystical Motherhood is a book that covers motherhood from pre-conception to raising children. For the purposes of fertility, it can be a useful reference for women who want to discover and connect with ancient and alternaive approaches to fertility, shift their mind and body to prepare for a baby and the transformative power of conscious conception. The foundation of this book is Kundalini Yoga.

The Female Brain 
- Louann Brizendine

The Female Brain
- Louann Brizendine

Women / Sexuality

A profound book written by a neuropsychiatrist on the unique structure of the female brain which determines how women think, what they value, how they communicate and who they love.

Zita West's Guide to Fertility and Assisted Conception

Zita West's Guide to Fertility and Assisted Conception


This is perhaps the most comprehensive guide on all aspects of fertility and uniquely addreses the issues involved in using assisted conception, describes what is invovled in the IVF process and provudes a step-by-step guide to how a couple can prepare their mind and body to increase their chances of conceiving successfully. We like this book also because it includes interviews with leading experts, personal stories and outlines a holistic approach to fertility and fertlity treatments.

Ivf: An Emotional Companion  - Brigid Moss

Ivf: An Emotional Companion - Brigid Moss


A book containing personal stories of 20 women who have worked through fertility and conception problems. This book was like a good companion, providing inspiration, comfort and hope, as I worked my way through books containing statistics and data on IVF

Inconceivable: A Woman's Triumph over Despair and Statistics - Julia Indichova

Inconceivable: A Woman's Triumph over Despair and Statistics - Julia Indichova


This book is an autobiography of the author's journey of struggling with infertility.

Get A Life: His & Hers Survival Guide to IVF - Richard Mackney & Rosie Bray

Get A Life: His & Hers Survival Guide to IVF - Richard Mackney & Rosie Bray


This book offers both the male and female perspective as the authors journey through their process of IVF. Although some of the advice (both medical and non-medical) may not be applicable in the local context, as the healthcare systems of Singapore and the United Kingdom are different, the book anecdotes provide humour and serves as a reminder that the male partners can often be forgetten in the IVF process.

Emily Oster: Expecting Better

Emily Oster: Expecting Better


An economist's view on the dos and donts of pregnancy, after reviewing the relevant studies as she herself journeys through pregnancy.

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