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Mom to a beautiful, vivacious girl, who was conceived through the wonders of IVF. As a result of her own experiences, she believes that it is important undergo fertility tests early, even if you are just toying with the idea of having children.

Before I started IVF, I was blessed to have been introduced to a seasoned IVF warrior, who even though was still on her journey, was so kind and generous with her time, knowledge and encouragement. Armed with that knowledge and her support, which gave me a head start, I started my own journey. My only regret then, was that I had not met her earlier as there were so many things that I had no idea about. Through fertility support, I hope to help equip more women with the necessary information and provide a safe platform where can they can be supported, as they begin their own journeys.

Endometriosis, Blocked Tubes

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